“I’ve been thinking about… What Happens When…”

Here we go again with a trivial title to this latest post. And, as much as this is a “blog”, this will probably have more of an “Op-Ed” feel to it, maybe.

There are so many topics that zoom in and out of my brain to write about. And each of them hold some level of importance to me, my family or those around me especially. Those topics are usually more passion topics and ones that I hold a very strong stance on one way or another. This particular topic is really one that I am still questioning because it keeps evolving with little to no real change happening. Make a note of that last line as you’ll see a theme eventually.

Currently our nation is in several precarious situations and I am not here to talk about all of them in one post. But, one of the biggest challenges that is hitting us all is that of inflation (rising costs of just about everything) along with relative stagnation of wages. Before you jump on my case about specifics – I’m not going there. These are perspectives and will intertwine with all of our realities and you can look up more details if you wish. Let me get to the gist of all this right now – the average American is barely scraping by… and it’s proving more and more difficult with little to no real relief in sight.

When I say “relative stagnation” in regards to wages, I’m pretty close. In the last 3ish years wages have increased between 4-5%. Again, we’re going to stick with close and relative numbers as we know there are many variables and additional specifics that can change this a little bit either way. So, again, we’ll work with this average. If the median national household income is approximately $80,000 per year (gross, of course) and we all know there are millions and millions of households living well below that income – then how are we able to truly thrive, let alone survive, when these wages don’t keep up with the expenses? This year alone we have seen strikes taking place for workers (in unions) to fight for increased wages and better benefits for themselves and their families. Look at UPS and the outcome achieved for their workers to get a substantial increase in wages and other benefits (and they DIDN’T actually strike). Then there are the various teachers’ unions and healthcare workers and manufacturing and transportation workers (with unions as well) – all out there fighting for more income and better benefits and working conditions. The writers’ strike finally ended with some better news for those behind the scenes in and around the movie and television industry. This is America and Capitalism is alive and well. And this allows all of these people the opportunity to seek more money. And, if the companies and organizations listen and agree, they’ll pay it. But then what? What happens after that? When the costs of living keep increasing and these workers – ALL WORKERS – feel the pinch again – what happens then? Do they go back and fight for more? Is there anything the average “non-union” worker can even hope for? How do they advocate and partner with someone that can help? Unions can always help… until they don’t. But for the millions of Americans wanting better pay or benefits, you’ll have to ride that struggle bus with the rest of us and keep going after what you need.

For companies (especially the larger ones) to pay more, they have to look at all of their expenses and make adjustments in other places. That’s common and something smart business owners should always do. Then, when the belt is tightened again, they look at their sales (their income stream) and look at areas where they can make up the money they need to pay the additional wages, benefits, etc. to their workers. And you know what happens; the vicious cycle of price increases happens with the shit then rolling downhill again to the workers and consumers having to take the hit… I mean PAY for it. It’s the nature of the beast. It’s part of business, it’s part of the economy and it’s part of what has made our nation very strong for starting, owning and growing businesses. So these great big businesses and corporations are back to making great money and profits, and the costs of living are still climbing. Did anything change for the better? Or change for the long term? No, not really. Will the workers strike again to force the hands to pay them more when the tough times hit them again? Will these businesses start increasing wages regularly at a higher percentage every year? It’s a pipe dream – but possible.

I don’t know THE answer, as I’m just here with an opinion and perspective on this. And I am well aware there are many different answers that we can apply to this. So I am going to give you my FIRST answer and it’s as real as you can expect. However, you need to understand the primary reasons that so many of us, if not all, are feeling the financial pinch every payday or with every bill paid. Look at where our money is going. If you want to earn more and take more money home – yes we all do – then we need to truly question where our hard earned money keeps going. You guessed it – the Government. Both state governments and the Federal Government continue to take more and more from everyone and there is no end in sight for these increases. Yes, I’m talking taxes and anything and everything that can be construed as a tax or fee paid to the entities that sit in buildings that were never designed to be a business; but that’s how they’re being run. Maybe you’ve seen the writings and social media posts, the memes and videos talking about how your money keeps getting taxes wherever you go: the federal government takes taxes, the states take taxes, you pay taxes when you spend your already taxed money and pay taxes on things you’ve already paid for and paid taxes for. A favorite example here is how we pay taxes on vehicles then a “registration fee” to keep the vehicle on the road – just a form of a tax. But that’s a small snippet of where our money continues to go without us having any say at all. There’s also the perspective of “fair share” when it comes to corporations and the wealthy paying more. But really, if you haven’t done your homework on this then it’s not a talking point and won’t matter. In the most recent data released (from 2020) it showed the top 1% of income earners paid out over 40% of the total Federal Income Tax. Hmm, it seems that many DO pay their fair share and yet we still have a problem. The tax code is broken and needs to be thrown out and re-done. But really, do you think for a minute that even if the ultra wealthy or large corporations who pay little to no taxes do so on purpose? No, they do so because they CAN. Because they’re allowed to and because they’re following the tax codes. And even so, at the end of the day, do you think that anymore taxes collected would really make a dent in helping everyday working middle and lower class Americans? Nope, it won’t happen. If the governments were able to get more money; they’re keeping and spending it on passion projects or sending it overseas – that’s another conversation that everyday Americans need to have as well.

You know I am not an economist or an accountant or lawyer or anything of the sort. I’m just one of the millions and millions and millions of Americans who continue to see our hard earned money get taken from us… with no say where it goes or how it is spent. That seems a little shitty to me. So where’s the line going to be drawn? When do the corporations and large businesses realize that their people are striking for better wages because the government keeps taking more and more from them and the costs of living keep going up? Will they every push back on the government to slow that down? Most likely not. When will the hard-working tax paying citizens ever get financial security while doing all they can to mitigate their own expenses and costs? When does it stop? Or, better yet at least… when does it just get better? It sure was better at one point.

Now look back to the beginning here and read that line again; “…I am still questioning because it keeps evolving with little to no real change happening”. We have to make the change happen. We have to talk REAL impact and facts and the reality of the situations. Then, we have to ACT on it and make big changes. And only then will we start to see things get better.

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